
 Hummingbird Psychiatry

Dustin Dippen, MD

Psychotherapy Fort Collins CO

Psychotherapy is a therapeutic science and psychology. The core mission of this type of therapy is to explore the unique experiences and feelings that we all experience, through the senses, from childhood into adulthood. It is defined as an approach to mental health that uses a combination of psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. Many psychological disorders are associated with common psychological traits like depression, anxiety, stress, substance abuse, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Psychotherapy Fort Collins CO is becoming more popular every day. As the demand for these types of services continue to grow, the opportunities for people of all ages to receive help from professionals in the field of psychotherapy Fort Collins CO continue to grow. Those who qualify to receive therapy can receive up to four free sessions. After completion of the sessions, the client is given an individual counseling report. This report will guide the therapist and the client regarding any changes that need to be made in the therapist's treatment. The therapy is safe, confidential, and involves a group of psychotherapists who share resources and tools with each other. Psychotherapy Fort Collins CO can provide you with the support and guidance you need in order to reach your goal of having a life free of stress and anxiety.

Psychotherapist Fort Collins CO

A psychotherapist in Fort Collins, Colorado is a specialist in the field of psychotherapy and he/she can help to give you a new outlook on life. The psychotherapist Fort Collins CO is the best person for you to consult with in case you need counseling or therapy to resolve your personal issues. They are professionals and they know all the ins and outs of the profession and they can help you out. If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, or even sexual problems, it is high time that you consulted a psychotherapist for guidance and help. You will surely get your answers through the various sessions with the psychotherapist Fort Collins CO.

Psychiatry Fort Collins CO

For patients and families who have suffered through years of life and torment, there is no more important occupation than that of a psychologist. These professionals offer a variety of therapeutic services ranging from personality tests to cognitive behavior therapy. Many people today are learning that the profession of psychiatry Fort Collins CO requires more than just helping to diagnose illness and providing medications. It also means giving advice on recovery and healing to patients and their families as well as to the general public.

Psychiatrist Fort Collins CO

Psychiatrists Fort Collins CO are medical doctors who specialize in treating mental health issues and who have doctorate degrees in Psychiatry, Neurology, or Child Development. Psychiatrists are licensed to practice medicine in the state of Colorado. This is a classically trained field of medicine that deals with all aspects of mental health. The field is concerned with the treatment of mental illness and therapy of mood disorders, such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorders. Psychiatrists Fort Collins CO also work closely with families and caregivers to provide appropriate medical care for people with serious mental illness. Psychiatrists Fort Collins CO also play an important role in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses through diagnostic procedures and laboratory research.

Offering you face-to-face office visits and virtual mental health services for Colorado

Click on this link for a free 15-minute phone consult


Please take a look at the following links for additional information including qualifications and philosophy of practice

Free Flow Psychiatry

Psychology Today Profile




"Know thyself and to thine own self be true."


Balanced diet

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food."



"A calm mind is the first step."


Medications and supplements

"To be used with careful consideration for risk vs harm."