
 Hummingbird Psychiatry

Dustin Dippen, MD



The basic idea is that within each of us is the capacity to heal and a desire to maintain balance. 


Whether discussing complex trauma, ingrained personality dynamics that may be holding us back or illnesses such as bipolar, schizophrenia, chronic depression or anxiety disorders, it is important to recognize and foster the personal will of the client to intercede alongside any treatment paradigm.

I believe that most practitioners working with mental challenges recognize that resiliency and one's willpower can be major contributors to a person's recovery and stability within their psycho-social system. 


I feel it is important to diagnose the prominent symptoms as they may organize into a disorder, while also recognizing that these psychiatric disorders manifest differently in individuals and will require an individualized approach to recovery.


I attempt to support the individual in their personalized treatment goals and approaches to wellness in so much that it is safe, effective and supported by clinical reasoning.




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The hummingbird is one of the most fascinating birds because of its ability to move its body swiftly, change direction quickly and smoothly, seemingly gliding from one place to another. By affinity with this metaphor, you can be encouraged to use or develop a similar skill.


When the hummingbird shows up in your life, it may be an invitation to flex your path, perhaps even bending backward or forward, in order to accommodate life’s circumstances. You may be required to adapt to a situation that is a bit more demanding than usual. The wisdom carried by this little animal emphasizes flexibility and lightness in your approach to the unexpected.